Would I recommend the Plenue D player? Oh boy, this is a loaded question.Go for Plenue D if you want:-– A high class, high performing player– A small and light player– A long-running battery– Have good headphones (less than 300 Ohm's) to coupl...
Punchy bass, Insightful midrange, Well organised, Good tonal balance,
Nothing of note at this price,
Certainly, the Cowon Plenue D is a player worth its salt. It can handle a range of files, has an open and insightful sound quality, and is easy to use.Those looking for a simple, realtively low-cost, pocket-sized player should definitely give this a go.Re...
Abstract: Plenue D hasn't the greatest stereo detail or separation, but its tighter image makes a lot of my favourite organic tunes really fall in line with what I personally consider ‘natural'. All in all it's a great, if not perfect-sounding player. And it goes f...
Abstract: From the mundane, to the sublime, M.S.T. have something for everyone. In my possession are three mods, one of which marks a market revolution and another of which soups up Cowon's entry-level DAP. The most mundane of Ryuzoh's mods is a straight parts swap...
Abstract: The numbers ran down like this:My first unloaded AAC run through lasted 51 hours, 42 minutes, and 19 1/2 seconds. My second unloaded run through stopped at roughly 86 hours and 2 minutes. That was playing MP3 files. My third ran through lossless files, an...
und Video Der Klangvergleich zeigt, dass die Preisunterschiede der Geräte weit grösser sind als die Unterschiede bei der Klangqualität. Daraus ist abzuleiten, dass die Hersteller nicht in erster Linie am Klang tüfteln, sondern ein Gesamterlebnis herbeifü...
Abstract: Cowon a pour habitude d'être particulièrement loquace sur les composants qu'il choisit pour ses baladeurs Plenue. Le Plenue D que nous venons de tester fait toutefois figure d'exception, car aucune information, si ce n'est la mention "DAC 192 kHz / 24 bit...
Excellent rapport compacité/performances sonores, Fabrication et matériaux solides, Design et conception soignée, Angle de vision plus larges, Autonomie monumentale, Large panel de fonctionnalités et de contrôles, Large compatibilité des formats audio
Quelques ralentissements sur les défilements, Navigation qui demande un temps d'adaptation, Définition de l'écran, Pas de Bluetooth, disparition de la fonction DAC sur ordinateur
Cowon signe encore une belle réussite avec son Plenue D. L'entreprise coréenne a su concevoir un modèle bien plus compact tout en conservant une excellente qualité audio, une très bonne autonomie et des fonctionnalités assez complètes. L'interface n'est p...
Abstract: С появлением несжатых аудио-форматов высокой четкости такой класс устройств как портативные плееры обрел вторую жизнь которая по нашим ощущениям будет достаточно долгой. Конечно эти устройства имеют довольно высокую стоимость тем не менее они способн...
Abstract: 20만원대 고음질 플레이어 코원 플레뉴D 출시코원이라고 하면 가장 먼저 떠오르는 것이 MP3 플레이어와 PMP가 아닐까 생각됩니다.코원은 가장 잘 만들고, 가장 잘 아는 음향기기의 새로운 신제품을 출시했는데요. 바로 고음질 오디오 플레이어인 플레뉴 D(PLENUE D)입니다.플레뉴D는 플레뉴1과 플레뉴M에 이은 3번째 제품으로 얼핏보면 2006년에 출시되어 큰 사랑을 받았던 MP3 플레이어 코원 D2를 연상하는 디자인과 그때의 가격(29만 9000원)으...