Abstract: Published October 14th 2004. Written by Thomas McDermott. The greatest story ever told?GameplayFable chronicles the life story of a hero. The game starts off with you playing as a boy in his younger years free from the influence and pressures of life, ...
Abstract: The StoryYou begin Fable as a child and just barely begin to explore your hometown when bandits attack the town and, as far as you know, everyone has been killed. You are whisked away by a strange man known as Maze just in the nick of time and taken to...
Published: 2024-01-12, Author: Steven , review by: gamepro.com.au
Abstract: The legacy of the Xbox console is undeniable. Thanks to some of the best Xbox original games paving the way for Microsoft's future, over 20 years of brilliance have now been achieved. And we expect that many more decades to follow are just around the corn...