Abstract: This one’s special, folks. I may as well tell you that now because you’ve probably already scrolled down to look at the bloody score anyway. And yes, Okami genuinely deserves it. Released in the UK as the PS2’s lifespan draws to a close, Okami is witho...
Absolutely stunning looks, it’ll last you an age, plays a charm
dies and have done with the consequences though. No, you’ll find yourself helping out villagers in their time of need too. So this wolf isn’t all big and bad. Up to now you’re thinking this all sounds like your typical ...
You may not think of games as art, but Okami ought to be hanging in the National Gallery
An artistic masterpiece, Great storyline and characters, Stunning world, Great fun using the celestial brush, Superb musical score
Combat lacks depth, Fairly slow paced, Could be more challenging
Boss battles require a different tact and require you to experiment with your brush techniques whilst figuring out the pattern of the boss. These battles are more challenging than normal fights, but you’ll still breeze through them with little effor...
Abstract: Did you know that dog spelled backwards is God? And did you know that Okami spelled backwards is Imako? Okay, okay, but at least the first part is interesting…Yes, there is some significance attached to my usual lame introduction. In Okami you play as the...
Okami is one of the best looking videogames out there, Brings Japanese mythology to life, Incredible levels and characters, Lots of fun items and powerups to collect, Plenty of room to decide of you want to tackle every task or not...
Infrequent save pointsGoals not always clear...
Okami is one of the best PS2 games out there, and easily one of the best looking videogames on the market. With brilliant art direction, charming characters, ripped straight from Japanese mythology, and excellent game design everyone knew Okami would b...
Abstract: It has been 100 years since diabolical eight-headed demon Orochi cast the world into ruin with a curse of enveloping darkness, laying waste to all forms of nature, and depriving the land of life and colour. In the face of evil, Nagi, a single brave war...
An unbelievably immersive experience; visually stunning graphics; perfectly suited music.
Long load times; weak battle system; iffy paintbrush controls.
Although its gameplay closely resembles the Legend of Zelda series, Okami offers a truly unique and immersive gameplay experience that is not to be missed.
Abstract: The world is a painting. As I step into it for the first time, I am taken in by every shape, object, and color. Trees, grass, flowers - are these the things gamers are really interested in? Somehow this world has made them interesting. As I land a jump...