Abstract: Reviewing a modern teenage romantic comedy like Hulu's Crush is a balancing act for any critic a few generations separated from their high-school years. On one side, the world is so much different now for teens than it was 10 or 20 years ago, and story el...
Abstract: Published January 31st 2012.Written by Dominic Sheard. The 3DS has received a few enhanced ports in the time it’s been out. Classic games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64 are “remade” to run and feel better, with the addition of...
Published: 2012-05-19, Author: Adam , review by: gotgame.com
For a puzzle game, Crush 3D is a good choice for 3DS fans. While the mechanic may not be as creative as it was a few years ago, it's still a decent game to check out. If you never saw the PSP version or haven't played games like Fez or Echochrome, I'd rec...
Abstract: When I first heard of CRUSH3D, (pronounced "crushed" - not "crush three dee") I was unaware of its predecessor, CRUSH. The name did make me think it might be a sequel, but it is not. It is actually a remake of a PSP game from 2007. I have not played ...
Abstract: Have you ever been pushed into a crazy scheme by your friends only to have it backfire on you while making yourself look like a total fool? I'm sure we all have, but Danny gets into an even stickier situation when he agrees to test his friend's invention...
Abstract: Nearly five years ago, when everybody was trashing the PSP for having no games worth playing, CRUSH was frequently brought up as a neat little gem that introduced a new mechanic that worked well enough. It certainly wasn't a system seller (unless you...
Ein forderndes und packendes, aber stets faires Denkspiel, das enorm vom intensiven 3D-Effekt profitiert.Günstigster Preis im Internet: 6,95 Euro*Dieses Produkt bei Amazon bestellenProAnspruchsvollSpannendKontraTeils hoher SchwierigkeitsgradTestnote der R...
von Lars Hilbig Crush 3D ist eines der Spiele, die jeder Puzzlefan einmal gespielt haben sollte. Der Vorgänger ist wahrscheinlich nicht nur an mir vorbeigegangen, der 3DS-Version wird dies sicherlich nicht passieren. In Kombination mit dem 3D-Effekt ...
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Published: 2012-01-09, Author: Robert , review by: netzwelt.de
Abstract: Dannys Hirnwindungen und Gedanken sind eine Ansammlung von Klötzchen vor Großstadtkulisse, die sich aus allen möglichen Perspektiven betrachten lässt. Doch irgendwann kommt der Morgenmantelträger mit seinem Gehopse nicht mehr weiter. Dann sollte er "Crush...