massively multiplayer online role-playing game with no monthly subscription
complex game with little help for beginners, high system requirements
The complexity of the game – and the lack of a decent manual – means that it's probably not the best choice for casual gamers looking for a quick fix of gaming action. However, dedicated role-playing fans who have the time and patience will find Guild War...
Guild Wars 2 has been a long time in development and what we have seen of the game so far during the head start access is that this has been time well spent. In general the game appears to be very polished and offers some exciting elements in the MMORPG s...
Abstract: Guild Wars 2 screenshotThis is often why many MMOs tend to begin haemorrhaging money and players a few months after release in the wake of World of Warcraft's sizeable success. Still, as in any medium, innovation is inevitable and Guild Wars 2 shows us th...
over het spel te trekken. Wel zei je dat Guild Wars 2 volledig afwijkt van wat we de laatste paar jaar van MMORPG's hebben gezien. Guild Wars 2 vereist een totaal andere speelstijl, waarbij samenwerking met andere spelers en verkenning van de wereld meer...