Testseek.com have collected 4 expert reviews of the Epson WorkForce DS-40 Series and the average rating is 90%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Epson WorkForce DS-40 Series.
4 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: Epson is known for its printing and scanning, not to mention professional quality for both. They have now stepped it up by stepping it down. Enter the DS-40 portable WiFi Scanner.One of its strongest points is that it lets you scan without a computer. You...
Published: 2014-12-10, Author: M. , review by: pcmag.com
Abstract: The Epson WorkForce DS-40 Color Portable Scanner ($179.99) is Epson's first portable with Wi-Fi and the first one designed to work with or without a computer. You can use it as personal desktop scanner as well. But the real reason to consider the DS-40 is...
DS-40은 와이파이 기능을 더하면서 무거운 PC를 들고 다니지 않아도 스캔이 가능해졌다. 노트북보다 휴대하기 편리하고 배터리가 오래가는 태블릿과 함께 가지고 다니면서 업무에 필요한 증명서나 신분증 등을 스캔할 수 있다. 다만 센서 위에 유리 보호판을 덧댄 스캐너나 복합기와 달리 원본을 직접 센서 위로 통과시키는 스캐너 구조상 먼지나 종이섬유 등 이물질이 유입되기 쉽다.흔히 쓰는 깨끗한 A4 용지라면 큰 문제가 없지만 보푸라기가 잘 일어나는 갱지' 혹은...