Abstract: Usually we review DVD writers in our storage section, where drive speeds and price are the key considerations. LGs GSA-5169D external drive includes something a little extra, though, coming equipped with both video and audio inputs. This enables it...
Abstract: A combined DVD writer and video capture device thats straightforward to install and even easier to use. Cut-price online shops may be itching to flog you DVD movies to replace your VHS collection for under a tenner a throw, but if youre intent on d...
Abstract: external USB DVD writer with digital video recorder features: There are a number of external DVD rewriters available. Rather than having to delve around inside your PC, this type of drive plugs straight into a USB 2 port. Where LGs new take on this produc...
Abstract: The GSA-5169D is one of the Super-Multi media drives available from LG Electronics. The GSA-5169D is especially unique in that it has direct audio and video inputs on the back of the unit itself. LG also boasts of the GSA-5169D: "One-Touch" DVD recordi...
Abstract: Today we will be reviewing one of the two LG latest releases in External Recorder drives, the GSA-5169D. From our first encounter with the drive, it seemed like just another external device, with MultiReading/Writing capabilities, and the usual array o...