Testseek.com have collected 9 expert reviews of the Lexar Professional Workflow HR1 and the average rating is 84%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Lexar Professional Workflow HR1.
9 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: There are many ways to get your data from memory cards to your system, server, or other memory cards, but it is far from all of these ways that are equally great. One of the best solutions for this comes from Lexar in the form of their Professional series...
Published: 2015-08-12, Author: Ben , review by: play3r.net
Abstract: Today we have something of a unique product from the folks at Lexar. The Lexar Professional Workflow line of products are designed to give users a mass of storage options all from a single hub. The Workflow HR1 is the main hub of it all which all the othe...
We are impressed with the innovative modular design from Lexar. The ability to customise the Professional Workflow HR1 hub with multiple card readers and SSD storage is very useful. And to be able to add onto the system at any time, as and when you need...
Published: 2013-10-15, Author: Mark , review by: micromart.co.uk
Abstract: As part of my work, I'm often called on to take plenty of pictures. When doing this, I'm inclined to get the best quality, meaning I prefer to use RAW mode on my DSLR. The downside of doing that is the rapid filling of SD cards, and the painfully long wai...
Abstract: The Lexar Professional Workflow HR2 Thunderbolt 2 and USB 3.0 4-bay card reader hub is a solid and speedy solution for managing multiple media formats and multiple, simultaneous memory card imports.The HR2 gives you four bays to mix and match however you...
Multiple, simultaneous card downloads, mixandmatch card readers, USB 3.0 connectivity
Power cord too short, not all applications support simultaneous downloads, Prices: $100 for hub, $37 for CF card reader, $37 for SD card reader, $45 for XQD card reader, www.lexar.com
While the device didn't meet the obviously too-high expectations given our test laptop's generally slow behavior, being able to download four cards at the same time is, at any speed, a time saver—especially if your laptop or desktop computer has only two ...
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Published: 2015-07-16, Author: Adrian , review by: 01net.com
Si vous manipulez beaucoup de cartes mémoires, le Professional Workflow HR1 de Lexar est une aubaine puisqu'il centralise dans un seul engin tous les lecteurs de carte dont vous avez besoin en ne prenant qu'un seul port USB 3. Modulaire, il ne conda...
Published: 2015-03-17, Author: Daniel , review by: Cnetfrance.fr
conception, modularité (conception sur mesure), éventails des lecteurs, performances.
prix de la version Thunderbolt
Avec ses quatre baies et sa connectique USB 3.0 et Thunderbolt, le Lexar Professional Worflow HR2 veut faire gagner du temps aux photographes et vidéastes en accélérant le processus de transfert des images....
Design e finiture, Ampia scelta fra le possibili combinazioni di prodotti, Elementi veloci, sia gli SSD che i lettori di memorie, Praticità, Prezzo
Assenza dell'interruttore di spegnimento sulla dock, RAID software non efficace
Il sistema Professional Workflow di Lexar è palesemente indirizzato agli operatori fotografici e fideo e lo fa con un approccio diverso dal solito e con un prezzo accattivante, in particolare a me piace veramente molto la possibilità di “staccare un pezz...