Abstract: What It IsThe Linksys CIT200 carries the title of Cordless Internet Telephony Kit, but I prefer to think of it simply as the Skype phone. Skype, as you probably know, is a PC-based voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application that allows you to chat...
Abstract: The Linksys CIT 200 Portable telephone is a wireless phone which allows you to make and receive Skype calls without being tethered to your computer. Skype, for those who don’t know, is a peer-to-peer internet telephony (VoIP) network where you can c...
Abstract: VOIP and Skype are the future of telephony, but not if you have to use a nasty headset clamped to your PC. Thats where Linksys and their new DECT phone come in.
Abstract: 219 3-1/2 Skype has become well-known because it lets computer users make free voice calls over the internet and now its popularity has earned it plenty of support from devicemakers, too. One example is this kit from Linksys - a company bet...
Linksys CIT200 Skype Phone does a good job of bringing the Skype experience to the cordless handset world. Its not without its flaws, however, and youd be well advised to carefully research your VOIP options before making a purchasing decision. ...
Compatibilité avec Skype, Compatibilité avec une ligne analogique traditionnelle pour le CIT300
Branchement du CIT300
Linksys commercialise deux nouvelles solutions de téléphonie de VoIP (Voix sur IP) : les CIT200 et CIT300. Ces deux combinés ont deux points communs : ils ont la même forme et permettent de passer des appels depuis le logiciel Skype. Pour le reste, le ...