Abstract: With a lower price and improved features, the AppleTV Take 2 is not so much a new product as it is a step towards becoming the product we all knew it could be. The fact that the AppleTV Take 2 no longer requires the use of a home computer is huge in t...
Improved interface; HD movie rentals; 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound support; can be used without a computer; AirTunes support; ability to stream .Mac Web Galleries and Flickr albums; four times the storage of 40GB model for just $100 more.
Not as stable as previous software; no music video shuffle; 24-hour rental period too short; cant directly subscribe to TV shows or podcasts; playback of HD movies and trailers can be interrupted during download by rebuffering; no music search feature.
The big picture is that the Apple TV has the potential to change the way we obtain and consume video and, to a lesser extent, audio. It’s very easy to get the media you want—provided the iTunes Store offers it—and while HD movie re...
Abstract: AppleTV Take2 Company: Apple Inc. Steve Jobs did something during Macworld Expo 2008 that Apple customers have rarely seen him do. He admitted that he might have, maybe, made a small mistake in the AppleTV. The result is the free to download software...
229 for the 40GB model is not expensive, Very well put together, Store is simple to navigate, Rentals start playing soon after download begins, 30-day window for watching rentals
Not much use at playing AVIs, Restrictive media usage rights, Remote control small and unergonomic, Dithering and compression artifacts in HD rentals, 24-hour window for watching a movie once you hit play
As a replacement for leaving the house and going to the video store, the Apple TV works well. Sure, you wont find as diverse an array of content as you would at a good independent or with NetFlix, but if youre looking for mainstream movies that have ...
Abstract: I was one of the early adopters of the Apple TV. It wasn’t bad, but as little more than a liaison between my Mac and my widescreen TV, it didn’t seem to justify its existence. But that’s changed. And how. With the “Take ...
Abstract: It’s Valentine’s day this week and Apple reminds us it loves us with significant software upgrades to OS X, Aperture, and Apple TV. First off was OS X 10.5.2. This is jammed packed with bug (oops, “unintended features”) fixes, plus a few new featu...
An iTunes format movie and music player for high-definition televisions, capable of acquiring content on its own from the Internet or accessing a computer’s iTunes library. Supports playback of high-resolution (720p) rented or user-creat...
You’ll have to create, convert, or buy compatible content, based on Apple-limited video format support; YouTube, iPod-formatted, and previously purchased iTunes Store videos can look downright bad on larger HDTVs. Does not include video ...
A Note From the Editors of iLounge: Though all products and services reviewed by iLounge are "final," many companies now make changes to their offerings after publication of our reviews, which may or may not be reflected above...
Abstract: Can Apple succeed in the online-movie-rental business like it did with the iTunes Music Store? THE FACTS Apple has injected digital growth hormone into its entertainment product line. One product (iTunes) was already thriving, but an awesome new f...
Abstract: The new Apple TV is a spectacular hardware upgrade from the old model. The device is easy to use, and excels at three tasks: playing back content from local iTunes computers, renting iTunes content over the Internet, and playing..