Abstract: James Wright9.4Mass Effect may be the game that role playing enthusiasts have been searching for on the XBox 360 which transforms gamers into an elite soldier in the distant future who has been drawn into an intricate web of deceit, freedom and surviv...
The game features an absorbing story that is expertly told; there is a tremendous amount of depth to the game, from the character customisation options to the world at large; the overall presentation is also fantastic with pleasing visuals, a vibrant g...
The enemy and ally A.I. is surprisingly dim; having to use the Back button to throw grenades sucks; the elevator rides are also ridiculously long The Final Word If you are an RPG fan, you should definitely give this game a look; it is good enough that ...
If you are an RPG fan, you should definitely give this game a look; it is good enough that youll find yourself disappearing deeper into Mass Effect each time you play and demanding the inevitable sequel long before its due.
Abstract: As a mix between a third-person shooter and RPG it manages to be slightly less than the sum of its parts, but for fans of both genres the strong writing makes this title well worth playing. Its a strange complaint to begin a review with, but why oh w...
Abstract: Its when you suddenly realise that you wont finish Biowares Mass Effect in a few hours that it dawns on you just how deep and big it is. With a story that George Lucas would be proud of, you take control of Commander John Shepard, leader of an elite...
Abstract: With popular titles like Knights Of The Old Republic and Jade Empire under their belt, you could be forgiven for expecting big things from BioWare with their latest offering, Mass Effect. To the relief of KOTOR fans everywhere (and broken-hearted KOTOR...
von Tobias Müller Wow! Ich bin wirklich überwältigt. Ich bin zugegebenermaßen ein Fan der Biowarespiele und habe schon mit etwas großem gerechnet, aber mit dem was sie da herbeigezaubert haben, haben sich die kanadischen Rollenspielmeister wieder ein...
At historien og svarmulighederne i samtalerne udvikler sig alt efter hvilke valg man tager, de mange implementerede rollespilselementer og det velfungerende gameplay.
Når banen pludselig loader, og grafikken tager for lang tid om at hente teksturerne.
Abstract: Mass Effect er BioWare's nyeste rollespil til Xbox 360. Ambitionerne har, ligesom forventningerne, været skyhøje. Vi tager et nærmere kig på den nyfødte stjerne.Knap to hundrede år ud i fremtiden har mennesket fået adgang til at rejse frit i rummet, o...
Abstract: Forventningerne til Biowares første næstegenerationsrollespil har været enorme. Bioware har lovet, at vi kunne udforske en hel galakse og være med til at redde den fra en altødelæggende ondskab, der truer med at vende tilbage efter flere tusinde års s...
Abstract: Året är 2147. Mänskligheten upptäckter rester av en främmande civilisation på planeten Mars. Långt ned under den röda sanden finner de en uråldrig utomjordisk teknologi som både skyndar på den tekniska utvecklingen och kolonialiseringen av rymd...