Epic set pieces, Solid shooting mechanics, Entertaining gameplay, Wanton violence and gore
Terrible dialogue, Horrible voice acting, Is a bit restrictive
But perhaps what I found most impressive about the game were some of its epic (pun intended) set pieces and vistas that impressed my di… I mean shorts off. The planet Stygia may be a hostile one but it looks gorgeous, especially from certain vantage po...
Abstract: In the school playground of shooters, Bulletstorm is the sailor tongued big kid whose motivation for the next wedgie lies more in the prospect of beating his personal record, than in any angsty hatred. People Can Fly’s new shooter is brazen and unabash...
Abstract: Among some of the biggest games in the industry are today's first person shooters, combining numerous resources and thousands of man hours, the new shooter IP has a high bar to reach to even come close to making its mark on the genre. Polish based develop...
Never takes itself seriously, lots of fun with lots of weapons
It definitely won't be to some people's tastes
This might not be the deepest or richest FPS this year, but if you like the odd burst of cathartic ultraviolence, you won’t find anything better on the market...
There is a serious amount of enjoyment to be had here and, in many ways, Epic and People Can Fly’s assumption that the military shooter has had its day isn’t totally misplaced. Bulletstorm is surprising on almost every level, and only just falls short ...
Abstract: In Bulletstorm, players take on the roll of big bad ‘Dead Echo’ member Grayson Hunt. It is your purpose to kick butt and take names throughout the galaxy under the watchful eye of a commander that would make R. Lee. Ermey squirm in his pants. A long th...
Abstract: Bulletstorm is as expletive-happy as four Colorado kids on a big screen and as excessively violent as an angry Liam Neeson in Paris. Just like the South Park and Taken movies, with Bulletstorm you ought to leave your high horse in your stables. If you ...