Abstract: I've spent the past week playing through the short, but inevitably sweet single player campaign of the sequel to one of the most talked about games last year. I then spent some time playing through its new multiplayer modes and having some fun online...
Abstract: Fortunately, the sequel to the moderately successful shooter Conduit manages to incorporate satisfying levels of gun-slinging slaughter without going overboard. The developers at High Voltage have demonstrated an excellent ability to listen and respo...
HVS has created an outstanding first-person shooter for a system that is dearth of the genre. Conduit 2 is my favorite FPS, and I will be playing this game for many, many hours. A few setbacks keep the game from achieving its true potential, but HVS ...
Abstract: Two years ago, Midwestern developers High Voltage Software surprised us by proving the Wii could support a grown-up (or at least adolescent) shooter. With fast-paced action, surprisingly well-done graphics, and unusually customizable controls, The Cond...
Conduit 2 is a worthy addition to the Wii library, and it’s worth playing for its visuals alone. The fact that gameplay and control operate as well as they do speaks volumes for the talent at High Voltage Software. The problem with Conduit 2 is that it...
Abstract: I haven't played my Nintendo Wii for quite some time now and all it really does these days is gather dust and ever so slightly increase my power bill as it's continuously on standby mode... waiting for some action. The last great game I enjoyed on the...
Abstract: Shooter für die Wii sind irgendwie die Exoten unter den Konsolegames. „Conduit 2“ ist einer der Edelsten unter diesen Exoten. Als Nachfolger von „The Conduit“ präsentiert uns High Voltage Software eine wirkliche Testosteron-Perle für die ansonsten eher...
Schon wieder! Schon wieder endet das Spiel dann, wenn es gerade eigentlich in Fahrt kommt. Da kämpfe ich mich durch Welten voller Gegner, Waffen, Grafikfehlern und Framerateeinbrüchen, und dann werden mir wieder die Credits vorgesetzt, wenn es gerade i...
Conduit 2 hat aus den Fehlern des Vorgängers gelernt. Auch wenn man die KI noch nicht richtig im Griff hat, so überzeugt das Leveldesign, die fordernden Endgegner und die Optik. Der überragende Multiplayerbereich, der wieder eine gehörige Portion Viel...