Testseek.com have collected 21 expert reviews of the SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 3 and the average rating is 70%. Scroll down and see all reviews for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 3.
21 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 is a good tactical shooting game for a system that shouldn’t be able to put out a good game in that genre. The gameplay is solid, the story is good, and even after beating the game, gamers are going to get a lot...
Abstract: WMDs...DOUBLE YEW - EM - DEEs...Those three letters are synonymous with two things; threats of terrorism and inbound Navy SEALs sent to dismantle that threat. Reminds me of something else: USA... YEW - ESS- EH... Three more letters synonymous with two ...
Abstract: I have to admit that it still kind of weirds me out a little bit that SOCOM translates as well as it does to the PSP. But after the successes of Fireteam Bravo and Fireteam Bravo 2 there's no denying that the methodical, stealth-based warfare definitel...
When I first started reviewing SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3, I was a bit disappointed by the short campaign. Then, I remembered how cool it is to go through the missions cooperatively. Then, I discovered how much fun custom missions are. The...
Published: 2010-05-31, Author: James , review by: pcworld.co.nz
Abstract: NameSlant Six Games' SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 is a perfect example of why first person shooters aren't usually at their best on the PSP. Targeting enemies using the device's mini joystick instead of a mouse or a more advanced PS3 or Xbox 360 controller is...
Abstract: I'm going to be straight up with you - I really don't like the SOCOM series. From the PS2 releases where you barked out vocal orders through the included headset - orders that the game would understand seemingly when it wanted to, to the early PSP effo...
Abstract: Sony's Socom franchise has been a steady little earner for Sony since the first title appeared on the PS2 back in 2002. A tactical third person shooter, your job is to deal to people identified as enemies of the state (they might have nuclear weapons o...
toller MultiplayerModus, atmosphärische Präsentation, umfangreiches Waffenarsenal, zugängliche Steuerung, für PSPVerhältnisse beeindruckende Grafik
Story aus dem KlischeeBaukasten, KIGegner stellenweise sehr dumm, Kampagne sehr linear und mit wenig Abwechslung, Gefechte „dank“ AutoAiming größtenteils zu anspruchslos
Mit dem dritten Teil der Serie hat sich Fireteam Bravo deutlich in Richtung Arcade-Action im Stil von Call of Duty & Co. bewegt. Wer also auf taktisch anspruchsvolle Gefechte steht, kommt hierbei nur sehr selten auf seine Kosten. Diese “Wandlung“ ist n...
Unzahl an Waffen vorhanden, Grafisch extrem hochwertig (Texturen, Videos, Effekte), Viele taktische Möglichkeiten
Kampagne vorhersehbar, Wenig abwechslungsreich, Taktik zwar vorhanden, aber insgesamt geht sie unter
Einzelspieler werden mit der vorhersehbaren und langatmigen Kampagne sehr unzufrieden sein - die taktischen Möglichkeiten, die das Spiel Ihnen gibt, werden niemals benötigt; gerade auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad liefern Sie sich spannende Gefechte...