Costume Quest does a lot of things right – it’s humorous, has a great art style that fits the childish theme, a decent battle system, and costumes that double as super powers. Sure, the story is cheesy, but it's also heart-warming and the ending leaves...
Abstract: Defeating Halloween with the power of your imagination.When you were a kid, everything was left up to your imagination. You could turn a couple of chairs and bed sheets into a fort. That old blanket of yours could become a cape with magical powers, and...
Abstract: Well, Double Fine's done it: They've made a game focused on the concept of trick-or-treating and managed to land on the right side of "gimmick." Costume Quest is, plain and simple, a fantastic embodiment of childhood imagination mixed with a healthy he...
Abstract: Much like Christmas, Halloween holds a special significance to children. Aside from the allure of staying out late and getting more candy than a kid can reasonably handle, Halloween is, of course, all about using your imagination something that grow...
Excellent art design, witty dialogue, wide variety of entertaining collectibles, musical score is both atmospheric and catchy, combat is balanced enough to consistently remain challenging (despite some very simplistic RPG elements)
Battle system could've benefited from a little more depth, fixed camera occasionally makes it hard to navigate certain areas
Double Fine's first DLC project is brisk, fun, and undeniably adorable, taking the theme of Halloween and perfectly mixing it with the powerful magic of a child's imagination. With an original, inventive, and extraordinarily witty setting, Costume Quest i...
For a downloadable game, this is high concept hilarity. It boasts a snappy script and gameplay that is easy to master.
Fast readers will be frustrated, and combat verges on becoming monotonous.
Costume Quest is witty, charming, and thoroughly enjoyable. Well worth the low purchase price. There's no voice acting here; dialogue is text only. While having to read isn't a problem, the fact that the text can't be advanced is. Fast-reading players...
Abstract: Twins Wren and Reynold are in for the Halloween of their young lives. New to the neighbourhood, not only do they have to endure lame costumes and having no friends, they have to battle an invasion force of monsters, goblins and magical aliens in a epic...
„Grubbins on Ice“ ist wie schon „Costume Quest“ ein nettes, kleines, wenn auch sehr einfaches Rollenspiel für Zwischendurch. Zwar gibt es kaum Wiederspielwert, aber die lustigen Dialoge und Aufträge lassen während des Spielens keine Langeweile aufkomme...
„Custome Quest“ ist ein spaßiges, wenn auch relativ kurzes Rollenspiel mit ordentlich Humor. Die Charaktere sind alle sehr niedlich gehalten und die Kostüme machen das Erkunden der Gebiete unterhaltsam und sorgen für den einen oder anderen Lacher in de...