Abstract: SCEA An Ocean of Stars, A Ship of FoolsSometimes its reassuring to know that there is still hope with the videogame industry. In an era of big businesses eating up more and more of the market, gamers watch as ambitious programmers and talented tech...
The game has a few minor annoyances -- the battle system needs work -- but Rogue Galaxy truly stands on its own, and is a game that every RPG gamer should experience for themselves. ...
Abstract: Rogue Galaxy comes to us from Level-5, the development team behind another PS2 role-playing game, Dragon Quest VIII: The Journey of the Cursed King. But instead of a medieval-themed fantasy romp, Rogue Galaxy sends us on an intergalactic adventur...
Abstract: James Wright8.4Rogue Galaxy (hopefully not) may be the last epic Japanese RPG to hit the PlayStation 2 and begins on the desert planet of Rosa where a young hunter named Jaster is getting by on the rations of the planets occupiers. One of many planet...
Abstract: Rogue Galaxy is the kind of solid, playable RPG that should have launched with the PS3; on PS2 its unmissable One of the worst things a film critic can do to a movie is to walk out in the middle of it; its a condemnation of a work that they consider...
Abstract: This game was originally released in Japan back in 2005 and was a big hit, and now two years on not only has the game been localised but its received an entire overhaul. Rogue Galaxy is most likely to be one of the last major role-playing games (RPGs)...
Abstract: Det bliver med dette spil bevist, at PS2 er langt fra at uddø. Konsollen kan stadig blære sig med flotte og interessante spil.Det skal være sagt med det samme – undertegnede har aldrig helt forstået hypen med japanske spil, og Final Fantasy har aldrig ...
Abstract: Rogue Galaxy är berättelsen om en ung mans drömmar, om blivande rymdpiraten Jaster Rogues upplevelser i en galax full av äventyr. En berättelse om män korrumperade av makt, svårigheterna i att växa upp och...
Abstract: Level 5 blandar ett piratäventyr med science fiction, när Jaster Rogue ger sig ut på sitt livs äventyr. Benke följde med på resan för att sätta betyg