Testseek.com have collected 37 expert reviews of the No More Heroes 3 and the average rating is 73%. Scroll down and see all reviews for No More Heroes 3.
September 2021
37 Reviews
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Published: 2021-08-26, Author: Chris , review by: destructoid.com
Abstract: If Suda 51 touches a game, generally I'm going to be there. While he's been pumping out interesting games since the '90s, it was killer7 that really put him on my radar, and I've been following along closely ever since. But just a few years later with No...
Abstract: I feel like I have to get this out of the way, but I LOVE the No More Heroes franchise. Ever since I played the first game on the Wii, I've admired the concept of an otaku rising through the assassination rankings. With the sequel, I grew to love the char...
Published: 2021-08-26, Author: David , review by: gamingtrend.com
Fast paced combat, Fun characters, Hilariously wacky
Way too easy, Lacks the personality of the originals, Bland soundtrack
While it doesn't feel like a No More Heroes game entirely, No More Heroes III is still a fantastic action game with great combat, fun minigames, and hilarious dialogue. I'll certainly miss the more introspective and dark story, but I look forward to more...
Abstract: No More Heroes 3 is the first mainline addition to the series since 2010's No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, but it's actually more directly a sequel to the 2019 spinoff Travis Strikes Again. Unfortunately, unlike the novel and entertaining action of...
Published: 2021-08-27, Author: Benjamin , review by: games.ch
Wuchtig-spektakuläres Kampfsystem mit fordernden Bossfights, Extrem kreative Bezüge und Seitenhiebe auf die japanische und westliche Popkultur, Sehr unterhaltsame Story mit angenehm überdrehten Charakteren und witzigen Dialogen, Witzige Minispiele und Ähn
bei insgesamt mittelmässiger Grafikqualität und Performance, Einzelne Cutscenes deutlich zu lang (aber überspringbar)
Man könnte zwar in gewisser Weise sagen, dass Suda51 mit "No More Heroes III" genau das liefert, was man von ihm erwartet. Aber die Feststellung, dass das Spiel vor überdrehter Action, verrückten Charaktere und Ideen, für die manch andere womöglich etwas...
Direction artistique dans la lignée des précédents volets et qui fonctionne, Une poignée d'idées intéressantes et bien exploitées sur les combats de boss, Le système d'amélioration de Travis simpliste mais efficace, Durée de vie meilleure que les précéden
Même si cela finit par tourner inévitablement en rond, Au détriment d'une lisibilité parfois agaçante à cause du trop plein d'effets, Technique dépassée - avec du clipping, aliasing et de légères saccades sur le monde ouvert -, Un schéma de progre
Published: 2021-08-27, Author: Andrea , review by: tomshw.it
Abstract: Dovessimo definire No More Heroes 3 con una semplice frase, vi diremmo che si tratta di “un gioco low budget, pulp, retro arcade e con un costante vibe anni 80”… insomma una classica produzione targata Suda51. Questo terzo capitolo delle avventure di Tra...
Published: 2021-08-31, Author: Samuel , review by: pu.nl
Abstract: No More Heroes 3 in een vacuüm recenseren is net zo'n goed idee als eindelijk je allereerste Tolkien-boek lezen en besluiten om in de Silmarillion te duiken: het kan, maar je begrijpt er geen fuck van. Zo ook de No More Heroes-franchise, want die is satir...