Abstract: Although PSP version of the game resembles the PS2 quite a bit it just didnt have the horsepower to keep up. The PSP’s small TFT LCD screen is great to look at and the visuals are quite sharp, but you will find a lot of repeating textures and some f...
Abstract: Around the time that I started noticing Wall-E, Disney/Pixar’s new epic silent robot love story, I was in the midst of a Star Trek: The Next Generation marathon. I saw a movie that could combine the science fiction mainstays that raised me to be a good...
Abstract: Weve had a chance to put Wall-E through its paces on the consoles already, but this is the first time weve been able to get our grubby little hands on the pocket versions of THQs next big movie/game tie-in. While the IGN LA Nintendo Team works on th...
Abstract: De aarde is een grote planeet. Zo op het eerste gezicht lijkt het wel mee te vallen, maar wanneer je helemaal alleen bent is het overduidelijk. Gelukkig zijn er nu nog medemensen om ons heen. In de nabije toekomst zal er echter maar één klein robotje a...
Abstract: Pixars charmiga animerade film om den ensamme roboten Wall-E har naturligtvis ett spel som komplement. Pixar Studios, som nu har köpts av Disney, är säkert bekant från animerade storverk som Hitta Nemo och Bilar. Denna gång handlar det alltså om den ...