Abstract: Cave Story 3D started its life as just ’Cave Story’, an indie release on the PC. While I never played that version, many others did and liked what they saw; enough so that it was ported to WiiWare and DSiWare, bringing the 2D platformer to a wider audi...
Abstract: Can you believe it’s been seven years since Cave Story appeared as a freeware game on PCs? In all that time, and on all the platforms it’s been ported to (including the excellent WiiWare version), it’s never been on store shelves. Well, friends, that d...
Published: 2011-11-07, Author: Chris , review by: nerdreactor.com
Abstract: I am one of the very few people who never played this game, or at least, that is how I felt when all my friends told me about the free version of Cave Story that came out back in 2004 for PC. The original version of Cave Story was a free PC game that was ...
Abstract: At first blush, the very idea of Cave Story 3D seems redundant at best, ridiculous at worst. Don't get me wrong; Cave Story itself is a great game. That's the problem. Created almost entirely by a one-man team called Pixel -- a shy, unassuming fellow b...
New 3D graphics and presentations, can use 2D character and enemy sprites, multiple difficulty levels, multiple endings, great background music, lots of weapons to collect and quite a few choices to make. Bottom screen shows the map (when you unlock it) and inventory. Beating the game unlocks a Time Attack mode.
Even the easiest difficulty level can be quite hard, especially since some areas don’t have enough save points. Sometimes jumps and boosts don’t feel as precise if you use the circle pad for controls instead of the D-pad. The DSiware version of Cave Story isn’t included.
Everything good about the original game is still the same in this version, The updated graphics look amazing on the 3DS screen, The remixed score works extremely well, and helps to set the pacing of the action
No New Gamemode means you start over from scratch every time you finish, Like all 3DS titles, you have to hold it just right to enjoy the 3D fully, No option to switch back to the original, unmodified soundtrack
Cave Story has been a gem to play ever since it was initially released, and the upgraded graphics a...
Ach, was habe ich mich auf „Cave Story 3D“ gefreut. Schließlich zählt das Orignal wohl zu meinen Lieblingsspielen der letzten Jahre. Leider muss ich aber zugeben, dass die 3D-Umsetzung zumindest für mich verlorene Liebesmüh. Nicht nur gefallen mir die ...
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Published: 2011-11-11, Author: Andreas , review by: skillpoint.se
Abstract: Så sent som förra vintern fick vi en alldeles förträfflig konvertering av indieälsklingen Cave Story till nedladdningstjänsten WiiWare. Nu är det dags igen, men den här gången rör det sig om mer än en uppiffad version när spelet dyker upp i boxad 3D-utgåv...