Testseek.com have collected 16 expert reviews of the Lite-On eNAU608 and the average rating is 76%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Lite-On eNAU608.
May 2011
16 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
The eNAU608 retails for a bit under $60 (Amazon Link) at the time of posting. You are really paying a premium over the less expensive sibling, but you are gaining the personalization features and the ability to label the data side of the disks. Remembe...
The "personalisation" isn't needed and just adds to the cost, weight and size. 8x write limitation imposed by USB 2.0. Data cable is quite short
The eNAU does the job, but then again, so do so many other external burners. If you can find one cheap, then great. Otherwise, we'd stick to the non-"personalised" models to save a few bucks....
The "personalisation" isn't needed and just adds to the cost, weight and size, 8x write limitation imposed by USB 2.0, Data cable is quite short
The eNAU does the job, but then again, so do so many other external burners. If you can find one cheap, then great. Otherwise, we'd stick to the non-"personalised" models.
Abstract: Con diferentes tecnologías de etiquetado, compatible con todos los formatos de CD y DVD y muchas opciones de diseño, la Lite-On eNAU608 se convierte en todo un referente del mercado de grabadoras externas.PublicidadTras años escondida bajo otras marcas...
Abstract: Ud over denne pudsighed har vi at gøre med et almindeligt dvd-drev, der tilsluttes via USB-porten, så fx netbooks og lette bærbare kan få et optisk drev.Drevet er ganske kompakt, men den mekaniske kvalitet er ikke imponerende. Drevet klarer sig uden e...