Testseek.com have collected 13 expert reviews of the Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 USB3 and the average rating is 82%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 USB3.
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Published: 2016-08-06, Author: Tomas , review by: hw4all.com
The new Kingston FIPS drives are fast and easy to use. They also provide a high level of security through encryption that is applied. In itself there is nothing new to these individual elements, but the combination we have not seen before. The Kingston Da...
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Published: 2015-09-17, Author: Matthew , review by: pcmag.com
Quality design. Lots of high-end security features. Easy to use.
High price-per-gigabyte ratio
The 16GB Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 secure USB flash drive provides high-end security for your files, but it comes at a steep price...
Published: 2015-07-27, Author: Eric , review by: futurelooks.com
Full AES 256bit Data Encryption, Manageable and Physically Secure, Good USB 3.0 Performance
Sure, we found other AES 256bit capable flash drives out there. Most similar industry flash drives lack software security, while other encrypted flash drives like IronKey lack the same level of physical preventative security. Plus, IronKey is far more exp
The Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 64GB USB 3.0 flash drive is a seemingly simple device. But it's much more than that. It's a very useful tool for transporting and sharing protected data. The 4000 G2 has the ability to protect that data through complete e...
The Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 64GB flash drive offers nice performance as well as security features. Pricing seems a bit high for such a flash drive but that's what you pay for to have peace of mind when it comes to your data...
Very fast transfer speeds with USB 3.0 beating out the competition, Hardwarebased AESXTS encryption, Compatibly with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, depending on versions, Durable and lightweight design, Security lockdown feature protecting sensitive data a
Limited to 64GB max size, Not able to be used on nonsupported OS like the DT2000
As I stated when I reviewed the DataTraveler 2000, I am a big proponent and user of encrypted drives even for personal use, as you never know what someone might do if they got ahold of your personal data. While there are some apps out there that can encry...
Como habéis podido comprobar a lo largo de todo el review, el Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 no se trata de una típica unidad flash por sus características de seguridad y velocidad, por lo que si buscas un pendrive para guardar datos no importantes, no es...
256бітове апаратне шифрування AES у режимі XTS, можливість встановлення PINкоду на доступ, відповідність вимогам стандарту FIPS 1402, захист від вологи за стандартом IPX8, відмінна швидкість читання, металевий корпус, Особливості, висока ціна, невисока ш
висока ціна, невисока швидкість запису
Загалом знайомство з Kingston DataTraveler 4000 G2 (DT4000G2DM/16GB) відбулося на позитивній ноті, адже флеш-накопичувач відмінно справляється зі своїми безпосередніми обов'язками. В першу чергу вони полягають у забезпеченні збереження ваших даних від нес...
Published: 2016-07-08, Author: Сергей , review by: itc.ua
Kingston DataTraveler 2000 и DataTraveler 4000 G2 Managed Solution —довольно необычные флеш-накопители с надежной защитой данных (в первом случае – еще и независящей от стороннего ПО или других устройств). К сожалению их цена оказывается в несколько раз...
Abstract: Voor deze review heb ik een drietal nieuwe USB-sticks van Kingston ontvangen. Alle drie de nieuwe modellen komen uit de DataTraveler reeks en hebben naast het opslaan van je bestanden extra focus op beveiliging. Want naast het feit dat er ruimte moet zijn...
De nieuwe Kingston FIPS-sticks zijn snel en makkelijk in gebruik. Daarnaast bieden ze een hoge mate van veiligheid, door de encryptie die is toegepast. Op zich is er niets nieuws aan deze individuele elementen, maar de combinatie hebben we niet eerder g...