Testseek.com have collected 83 expert reviews of the Cooler Master Silencio 550 RC-550-KKN1 and the average rating is 80%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Cooler Master Silencio 550 RC-550-KKN1.
May 2011
83 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: When I mention the Cooler Master Silencio 550, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the movie "Mulholland Drive". In the film, there is an eerie theater by the name of Club Silencio. Actually, that is about all I can tell you, because as some...
Quiet operation, Mostly toolfree installation, Can accommodate most graphics cards
Max of one exhaust and two intake fans, Only two USB ports, Heat could be an issue in highpowered systems
The Quiet OneOverall, the Silencio 550 is a solid casing and a worthy flagship of the Silent series. It looks classy; is sufficiently spacious for a chassis of its size and price; and lastly, we also appreciate its tool-free design, which made it very eas...
Quiet operation, Mostly toolfree installation, Can accommodate most graphics cards
Max of one exhaust and two intake fans, Only two USB ports, Heat could be an issue in highpowered systems
The Quiet OneOverall, the Silencio 550 is a solid casing and a worthy flagship of the Silent series. It looks classy; is sufficiently spacious for a chassis of its size and price; and lastly, we also appreciate its tool-free design, which made it very eas...
Quiet operation, Mostly toolfree installation, Can accommodate most graphics cards
Max of one exhaust and two intake fans
Overall, the Silencio 550 is a solid casing and a worthy flagship of the Silent series. It looks classy; is sufficiently spacious for a chassis of its size and price; and lastly, we also appreciate its tool-free design, which made it very easy to insta...
La Cooler Master Silencio 550 ofrece un diseño sobrio y robusto y un interior completamente insonorizado para los que buscan el máximo silencio en un equipo discreto, aunque posiblemente de altas prestaciones.Debemos tener en cuenta la limitación a disipa...
Despues de tener en nuestras manos el chasis Cooler Master Silencio 550 la verdad aunque ya sabiamos que Cooler Master es un gran fabricante y su altísimo nivel de fabricación, nos hemos quedado sorprendidos una vez más, ya que con un precio moderado, ...
La Silencio 550 es una caja sorprendente. Lo es porque combina una buena serie de prestaciones de una forma sencilla y sin extravagancias. No usa metales nobles como el aluminio, ni tiene un complejo sistema distribución interna, ni tampoco es una ca...
Nos ha gustado Diseño muy elegante Amplitud interior Sistema de refrigeración (con enrome opción de mejora) Compatibilidad con hardware de gran calibre Preparada para discos ssd Gestión de cables Filtros anti-polvo (fáciles de limpiar...
Fazit:, Mit dem Silencio 550 hat Cooler Master ein Gehäuse auf den Markt gebracht, das sich beim Preis nicht vor der Konkurrenz verstecken muss,
Mit dem Silencio 550 hat Cooler Master ein Gehäuse auf den Markt gebracht, das sich beim Preis nicht vor der Konkurrenz verstecken muss. Das Gehäuse ist mit diesem Preis natürlich nicht in der Kategorie "Ultra-Silent" einzuordnen, wer aber z......
Der gute Ansatz ist durchaus erkennbar. Das Cooler Master Silencio 550 Gehäuse erlaubt es, einen absolut leisen PC zusammen zu stellen. Leider verderben Design- und kleinere Verarbeitungsschwächen den guten Ersteindruck. Die Lackierung nimmt schnell Fi...