Excellent image quality (including at high ISOs), excellent quality 1080p video mode, plenty of professional-level features
No histogram, exposure indicator or aperture adjustment during live view mode, some shooting controls are not laid out in an intuitive fashion
The Nikon D7000 is an excellent digital SLR camera for photography enthusiasts. There are two small flaws which stop it being perfect, but if you can work around these it is one of the most competent digital SLRs we've tested...
Fast shooting speeds; great picture quality; 1080p video recordingat 24fps; good high ISO performance; fast autofocus with the new 39-point AF sensor.
AF during live view is faster but still not fast and positive enough for video; no 30fps or higher 1080p video recording.
The D7000 is a great camera, not because it takes great photos (it does) and not because it's feature-packed (it is), but because it packs in so much for such a reasonable price. With this DSLR, Nikon has brought many high-end features down to the D70...
New magnesium alloy body, High ISO performance with low noise, Dual SD card slots
Awkwardly placed AF mode switch button, Limited HD video framerates
As a photographer's tool however, the Nikon D7000 is a dream. Except for small niggles like the odd placement of the AF mode button, the D7000 handles beautifully. Its strong and weatherproof body lets you take it almost anywhere with peace of mind, its c...
As a photographer's tool however, the Nikon D7000 is a dream. Except for small niggles like the odd placement of the AF mode button, the D7000 handles beautifully. Its strong and weatherproof body lets you take it almost anywhere with peace of mind, it...
This new Nikon D7000 digital SLR (DSLR) camera was officially retailing in November last year, and was positioned in-between the D90 and D300s lineup. It is also Nikon's most advanced DX-format DSLR to date, offering a wide range of rich features and a...
Ajustes individuales personalizables, como sensibilidad, exposición, diafragma, obturador y más. La duración de la batería permite hasta más de 800 disparos. Es silenciosa al tomar fotografías y cuenta con dos ranuras para tarjetas de memoria
Suele sobreexponer cuando los sujetos están en lugares oscuros. Cuando se conecta a una computadora Mac, no la reconoce como un disco duro
Una cámara dirigida a los usuarios profesionales que, además de necesitar un equipo con el que puedan modificar los ajustes a su gusto, son seguidores de Nikon por su calidad óptica y diseños robustos....
Abstract: Welche Nikon Spiegelreflexkamera für Sie in Frage kommt, hängt letztendlich von Ihren Anforderungen und Bedürfnissen ab. DSLR im D-System – das D steht für „Digital“ – unterscheiden sich durch eine vier- bis einstellige Nummerierung. Im Test und Vergleich...
Abstract: Unsere Kamera-Tests bieten zwar Orientierung bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kamera. Doch am Ende entscheidet der User selbst, welches Modell es für ihn sein soll. Welche Digicams derzeit besonders hoch im Kurs unserer Leser stehen, zeigt der CHIP Preisverg...
Abstract: Die beste DSLR bis 500 Euro ist schnell gefunden. Wir zeigen Ihnen, welche günstige Spiegelreflexkamera im Test und Vergleich am besten abschneidet...
Abstract: Noch muss sich Nikon den hart umkämpften DSLR-Thron mit Canon teilen. Die Ende 2010 vorgestellte D7000 soll das ändern: Laut Hersteller markiert die Mittelklasse-Spiegelreflexkamera „den Beginn einer neuen Ära, was die kreative Flexibilität angeht“. Playe...